We recently had the pleasure of Geneva and Zane’s company in Saskatoon for 5 days. Then Chris arrived and all three were with us for an additional 5 days. It was really great to see them again after a long 5 months. There seems to be a theme of 5 here! So we tried to give Geneva work time, but what with all of us suffering sharing Zane’s cold, I think she didn’t get a whole lot of work done.
We did go to the Forestry Farm which is really a very small zoo and had a nice wander around there. The local coffee places were duly visited, especially after Chris arrived. The camera didn’t come out very often though so the photo offering here is pretty lame (not the subjects, just the creative aspect).
Then about a month later Lawrie and I went for a 5 day trip to Calgary. Trips to the Calgary Farmers Market for great coffee and shopping happened. We went for supper and a games night to Jon & Michaelea’s. Then everybody got together for Zoolights including our friends from Saskatoon and their daughter and twin granddaughters. It was much colder than anyone expected and more people too. The lights were great, but I didn’t take the camera. Then the last day we cooked up a wonderful storm and Jon & Michaelea joined us at Chris & Geneva’s for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. A lovely time was had!